Events (Blog)

Life is an Adventure

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11)

Our life is filled with adventures. The little moments that build our memories. Our outings don’t have to be momentous, just bring awareness and appreciation of each opportunity.

Being a parent of a special needs child changes your perspective on life. There is a desire to seek ways to make things work and so much joy when you succeed. Outings, whether big or small, offer a significant reward when you witness the smile on your child’s face. The smile that comes from being seen, being heard, being included.

Tony and I were both shook when we were told, our two year old son, Leo most likely had less than a year to live. It was an awakening. We learned to embrace each day and live it to the fullest. It is the way life should be. It is sad that it took such startling news to have us see it that way.

God put us on a path as a special needs family. He guided our steps and we found joy within our circumstances. It was through Leo’s life struggle that we found God’s presence. It was through Leo’s training with Jesus that we saw the pleasures of eternal life and found peace and acceptance in the loss of yet another son, Trent.

I will forever cherish the adventures we experienced with Leo. To view life through his eyes was a beautiful gift, the way he embraced everything. He just wanted to be included in each experience. This perspective on life has now equipped me to look past my fears. I willingly jump in with both feet trusting God to see me through.

This past week Tony and I honored both Leo and Trent by living our own adventure. I conquered new challenges and did not let fear conquer me. I zipped down zip lines, leaped off cliffs, repelled down waterfalls and plunged down water slides. I did it all with the trust of God. I did it all in remembrance of Leo’s smile and Trent’s strength.

Life is an adventure. Live it! #outdooradventures

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