Events (Blog)

God’s Promise

“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” Genesis 9:13-16

As a symbol of God’s faithfulness and mercy I find peace in my heart whenever I see the beauty of a rainbow stretch across the sky. I felt God faithfully remain by my side as I cared for my sons. I saw the mercy of His love fall upon them when their struggles became more than they could bear on their own. God remained before them, by them, and within both of my sons until their final breaths. Their strength became my strength and together we preserved through our storm until the rainbow of Heaven called them home.

Through the journey of Leo’s life, the rainbow took on new meaning for me as he described “earning” the colors of the rainbow. Working alongside Jesus, Leo expressed how he was training with the Master Angel. The rainbow of God’s love was actually bestowed upon Leo. God’s gracious gift of redemption was not only for Leo, but for all, as Leo expressed the meaning behind each color obtained and the supernatural gift that it held within it.

I was captivated by Leo’s expression, “Although Jesus’ wings appear white, they actually have every color within them.” As I sat with this one sentence, it revealed to me the beauty behind color and that Jesus sees purity in our differences and together we are one. The outskirts of color that make up the human race embodies together what Jesus makes whole. We are one. We are all children of God.

Leo provided so much insight in the Rainbow Bootcamp chapter of, I see Jesus, it left me wanting to know more. My curiosity had me ask a few questions in which Leo replied at times, ” Some things I can’t tell you.” This comment brought me back to a childlike faith, trusting in what is unseen.

Sometimes it only takes a sign to bring peace to our mind. Whether it is a cardinal signing in a tree, a feather floating by, or a rainbow of love outstretched across the sky. God is communicating with us, we only need to be alert and open to His ways. Choose to see what He is sending you.