Events (Blog)

Cross to Bear

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” Luke 9:23

Leo was only two years old when the weight of his cross was placed upon his tiny frame. He seemed to understand early on that his life was not his own and allowed God to use him as a visual testimony.  As Leo pulled and struggled his way through life, others watched him try to find his footing. The burdens came fast, yet he clung to the cross keeping his focus on Jesus and the call of home.

Leo’s body was beaten down, distorted but never broken, his faith remained strong. He was stripped of all he knew, yet grew to know more than many ever manage to believe.

He was nailed to his limitations for all to see, unable to hide being lame. He was drained of life, while filling others with belief upon releasing his final breath. His body, transformed and purified, as a radiant glow overlaid all his imperfections.

But Jesus was there beside him, as was I, and together we saw him through to the very end. Leo rose, the weight of his burdens lifted. He stood before the Lord and He expressed, well done my faithful and loyal son.

In life we will face hardship, pain, and sorrow, but if we try to look beyond the darkness that may burden us in the moment and look rather to the promise of eternal life, we can possibly find peace within our circumstances.

Our limitations are only from the limits we put on ourselves, for with God all things are possible. Save your life by losing it to God.